Teleskop Bocah-bocah
Gelsonlab HSTY-002 Teleskop Bocah-bocah DIY Assemble Toy Set STEM Educational Toy Science Kit for Kids
WORKING PRINCIPLE - Teleskop Bocah-bocah uses 4 convex lenses arranged in order on the same line to understand the light passing through different media. The phenomenon of refracting occurs at the interface. The convex lens is made from this principle and the combination of n-piece convex lens and concave lens can be used as a telescope.
KIT PENEMUAN ILMU - Kanthi nglumpukake dolanan ilmu pengetahuan dhewe-dhewe, bocah-bocah bisa nambah kemampuan operasional lan ngerti prinsip kerja teleskop kasebut.
PELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN - Bocah-bocah bisa olahraga dhewe, mikir, njelajah, nggawe kemampuan. Ngewangi nambah kemampuan bocah nggunakake tangan lan pikiran.
PILIHAN IFT - Hadiah sing apik lan praktis kanggo bocah supaya seneng lan sinau.
Produk Ngemot bagean cilik, cocok kanggo umur 8 taun utawa luwih.
Katrangan produk
.Bahan: ABS + Akrilik
Bobot Produk: 127g
. Ukuran Paket: 17.5 * 26.2 * 4cm
Bobot Paket: 187g
.Paket: Karton Grafis
Isi Paket:
.1 x Drum Mripat
.1 x Geser Obyek
.1 x Tutup Lensa
.1 x Tutup Tutup Kaca
.1 x Tube Eyepiece Kiri
.1 x Tube Eyepiece Kanan
.1 x Hood lensa Tujuan
.1 x Lensa A
.1 x Lensa B
.1 x Lensa C
.1 x Dering Gesekan
.1 x Layar Anti-mbingungake A
.1 x Layar Anti-mbingungake B
.1 x Layar Anti Mirip C
.1 x Lensa D