Robot Ngarep Coding
Umur 3+
Kit Coding
C.H.R.1.S. nuruti pandhuan sing diwenehake, maju, kiwa lan tengen kanggo nggayuh tujuan sing dipengini. 3 tingkat blokir, blok lan swara lan blok blok dalan bisa nambah rasa seneng.
Robot Ngarep Coding is a great introduction to coding, as he moves with each command. He is totally controlled by you as you guide him on each travel adventure, while you are practising and learning some great logic and problem solving skills. The block sequence is basically programming your robot. You are telling him which way to move (literally putting the ideas in his head, or rather his helmet!).
3 x baterai AA kanggo Robot
4 x batere AA kanggo Coding Panel
(Baterai ora klebu)
â € ¢ C.H.R.1.S. Robot Coding
â Panel Kontrol
â 20 Blok Gerakan Coding
â € ¢ Kertu Pemblokiran
â € 16 Card Game (Kertu 2 Sisih)
â € ¢ Peta (2 Sisih)
â Manual Instruksi