Stand Pipet Laboratorium
Gelsonlab HS-TS07 Stand Pipet Laboratorium freely rotating stand for storage 7pcs pipette
Stand Pipet Laboratoriums are popular and beautiful designing, other manufacture's micropipettes can be used . Provide OEM or ODM .When the micropipettes are not in operating . it should be place in pipette stand upright.
SAVING SPACE - Diameter tapak: 16cm, dhuwur: 27.7cm, wujud jinis bunder, kurang saka papan tinimbang persegi dowo liyane
STABILITAS - Kanthi basis bunder sing cukup gedhe, ndhuwur cilik, basis gedhe, menehi imbangan sing luwih apik
GAMPANG GANGGUNG & MATI - Kanthi bolongan dhukungan tetep, ora goblog
PLASTIK SOLID - Digawe saka plastik sing dikuatake, garantee sajrone umure dawa.
ROUND UNIVERSAL STAND TO PREVET CONTAMINATION - Bisa nganti 6 pipet siji lan multi-kanal, kompatibel karo umume pipet, kabeh wis diatur kanthi tampan.
Hot Tags: Rak Pipet Laboratorium, Produsen, Suplier, Disesuaikan, Akeh, Merek, China, Rega murah, CE, Mode, Paling Anyar, Kualitas, Lanjutan, Tahan Lama, Jual Paling Dhuwur, Klasa, Jual Panas