Alat Perkabola Bola Pendulum Bola Pendhill Newtown
Aparat Tabrakan Gelsonlab HSPD-068, Pendulo Balls, Meja Pendulum Besi Baja Baja Newton
Alat sing apik kanggo nduduhake Hukum Motion Katelu Newton lan prinsip Konservasi Momentum. Desain anyar nyedhiyakake asil, stabilitas lan kualitas sing luwih apik.Alat Perkabola Bola Pendulum Bola Pendhill Newtown is one of the oldest, most interesting physics toys that demonstrate the laws of conservation of energy and momentum (and much more). You just raise one or two balls on one end, let them go and watch what happens on the other side. Great for physics demonstrations or as a desk toy/stress reducer, and makes a great gift.