Apa bedane swab tenggorokan lan conto getih


Cara saiki kanggo ndeteksi COVID-19 kalebu tes asam nukleat, tes getih, lan CT paru-paru gabungan. Dadi, apa bedane deteksi mahkota anyarswab tenggorokanlan getih? Ayo ndeleng bareng.

Tes coronavirus anyar saiki umume dipérang dadi rong jinis: pangujian asam nukleat lan uji coba antibodi (getih). Umume, ing diagnosis klinis, tes gabungan saka loro kasebut bakal digunakake kanggo nemtokake manawa wong sing dites kena infeksi virus lan tahap penyakit kasebut.

Spesimen kanggo tes asam nukleat mahkota anyar dikoleksi saka sekresi saluran pernapasan, lan asam ribonukleat virus (RNA) ing sekresi pasien dites kanggo ngerteni manawa kena virus kasebut. Sampel getih dikumpulake saka getih pasien, sing digunakake kanggo tes antibodi kanggo ndeleng manawa ana antibodi sing dirangsang virus ing getih pasien, lan kanggo ndeteksi manawa pasien kasebut kena virus lan tahap penyakit kasebut. Positivitas asam nukleat gegandhengan karo viral load. Beban viral sing luwih dhuwur, kemungkinan asam nukleik luwih gedhe. Ing teori, asam nukleat virus bisa dideteksi sajrone infeksi 1 nganti 2 dina.

Ora preduli apa penyakit kasebut, tes getih minangka barang sing paling penting kanggo diagnosis klinis lan perawatan. Kanggo coronavirus anyar, tes getih rutin bisa mbantu dhokter ngerti dhisik infeksi bakteri utawa infeksi virus. Yen tes rutin getih pasien duwe jumlah sel getih putih peripheral sing normal utawa nyuda lan jumlah limfosit sing mudhun, bisa uga infeksi virus, lan banjur digabung karo epidemi pasien Mung karo penyakit lan gejala, dhokter bisa menehi penilaian apa pasien kasebut dicurigai minangka infeksi virus coronavirus anyar, lan banjur bakal ana tes asam nukleat virus tindak lanjut. Dadi ing babagan iki, tes getih uga migunani kanggo investigasi virus corona anyar.

The new coronavirus nucleic acid test results are an important reference for the diagnosis and efficacy evaluation of new coronavirus pneumonia. Nucleic acid test screening samples are mostly derived from deep cough sputum or throat swabs. Because the oropharyngeal swab can be operated by opening the mouth, it is relatively simple, so it is more commonly used clinically. However, if the collection ofswab tenggorokannucleic acid test specimens is not standardized, it may cause "false negative" results and cause delays in treatment. Therefore, nucleic acid and blood drawn antibody tests need to complement each other to confirm whether infection has occurred and the status of the patient.
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