
Elektroskop Foil Emas
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Elektroskop Foil Emas

Elektroskop Foil Emas kita duwe sawetara fitur sing beda karo versi sing luwih sithik, dadi tambahan kelas sing bisa digunakake kanthi asring. Kasus logam awet lan kuwat, bisa nahan kacilakan lan kerusakan. Panel kaca geser metu kanggo nggampangake panggantos godhong emas sing suwek, lan panel mburi dadi frost, menehi sawetara daya tarik estetis. Ana uga skala ing njero sing nggawe pangukuran komparatif luwih gampang. Pungkasan, elektroskop duwe konektor grounding ing sisih sisih kothak. Kualitas apik, sampurna kanggo demonstrasi fisika.


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Elektroskop Foil Emas

Gelsonlab HSPE-088  Deluxe Gold Leaf Electroscope Elektroskop Foil Emas

Gold Foil Type Larger size and high durability make this perfect for student use! Elektroskop Foil Emas is a classic in physics demonstrations and science classes. This unit is bigger and easier for the student to view. The leaf is a little larger and the wide radius of swing provides a visual and sensitive demonstration. The unit also features a built-in scale which helps to determine the amount of charge generated. The metal case is strong and stable to resist damage.
Elektroskop minangka alat pangukur listrik paling tuwa; elektroskop sing pertama banget yaiku jarum pivot sing dijenengi serambi. Dina iki kita nggunakake sepupu sing luwih kompleks, elektroskop godhong emas. Elektroskop iki ngidini pangguna bisa ndeteksi anané lan gedhene muatan listrik ing awak, dadi instrumen sing apik banget kanggo nduduhake prinsip elektrostatik.

Our Elektroskop Foil Emas has several features which set it apart from lesser versions, making it an excellent addition to classrooms in which it will be used frequently.  The metal case is durable and strong, capable of resisting accidents and breakage.  The glass panels slide out to facilitate replacement of ripped gold leaves, and the back panel is frosted, lending some aesthetic appeal.  There is also a scale inside which makes comparative measurements simpler.  Lastly, the electroscope has a grounding connector on the side of the box.  Excellent quality, perfect for physics demonstrations.


Ngukur gedhene muatan listrik
Casing logam awet
Panel kaca geser
Godhong emas bisa diganti
Skala kanggo gampang ngukur
Konektor lemah
Apik kanggo kelas

Dianjurake kanggo umur 13 taun utawa luwih.

Ukuran Box: 9.50in (24.13cm) x 6.75in (17.15cm) x 4.25in (10.80cm)

Bobot: 1 pon 7 ons (0,64 kg)

Hot Tags: Elektroskop Foil Emas, Produsen, Suplier, Disesuaikan, Akeh, Merek, China, Rega murah, CE, Mode, Paling Anyar, Kualitas, Lanjut, Tahan Lama, Jual Paling Dhuwur, Klasa, Jual Panas

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